Flexible to your needs, as and
when you need it.

We go beyond simply imparting knowledge. Our training supports your people’s learning to ensure their skillsets evolve with your organisations technical requirements.

27% of UK workers say that they lack the sufficient digital skills required for their job role.

UK Gov – Employer Demand For Digital Skills

66% of large UK businesses said they struggle to recruit employees with the skills they need.

Monster – Flexible Future UK Hiring

Personalised to your skill requirements.

Our training is designed to equip your leaders, managers and teams with the skills they need.

Capability Assessments

We help you get to the heart of your challenges, working with you to identify your skills and capability requirement and how best to address them.


Training Solutions

Teams have different requirements and as a result we tailor our training to meet your needs. We want to train your people in the right disciplines and in the right way.


Leadership Development

We make complex technologies easy to understand, empowering leaders to drive digital transformation no matter their background.

Flexible to today's challenges.

We work with you to identify your business's learning and training needs, creating a bespoke programme that equips your team with the most in-demand skills.


Ensure your organisation isn’t left behind. Overcome the complexities of AI with courses that enable your teams to utilise AI tools and empowering leaders to leverage AI.


As Quantexa’s exclusive Education Partner, we deliver bespoke Quantexa training in disciplines such as data engineering and scoring for clients on a global scale.

Data Science

Taming big data and providing insights to inform decision making at all levels of a business.


Cloud Fundamentals

Covering essential skills for major Cloud technology platforms, including Microsoft Azure, AWS and GCP.

Front-End Developer

Our core web-development course, covering key skills like HTML, Java Script, React.js, API integrations and debugging.


Customised Training

Whatever your technical training requirements, we are here to support. Delivered through our Academy or our network of partners, we can structure a programme that is right for you.

Are you looking to upskill your people?

Let’s create a training solution that works for you.

Get in touch

This is Tom.

On top of his Data Engineer training, we upskilled him in data warehousing tools that were niche to our client's capability requirements. 

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This is Jessica.

After completing her data engineering training, she was upskilled in a low code app development platform for specific client requirement.

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Your skills needs. Our talent solution.


Expert Consultants

We provide access to expert talent with specialised skills that are hard to find or develop within your team.


Entry-Level Talent

Trained in our academy, our consultants seamlessly integrate into your teams, receive ongoing professional development during their tenure, and can transition to your workforce permanently.


Quantexa Engineers

Quantexa’s decision intelligence platform allows organisations to unify and understand their siloed data to visualise complex relationships. Our qualified Quantexa data and scoring engineers help establish a culture of confident decision making.
